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In collaboration with The Brabanter

“Paleo Metropolis”

“Written exactly 100 years ago in 1924, Metropolis is a story about the division between classes in a futuristic megacity taking place in a time that we happen to live in right now. During the roaring twenties, when wealth equality was alarmingly out of balance, one could have made the same pessimistic extrapolation of Eindhoven; a dystopian future where the industrial upper-class lives in glitter and glamour of the backs of the honest labourer, working against the clock. While luckily Philips showed the world otherwise by improving workers’ rights, we have been seeing an increase in inequality again since the eighties. It’s also no coincidence that the dystopian sci-fi film has become increasingly popular too. Are we reliving the past future?”.

Year2024AuthorKas van VlietMaterialFujifilm SatinSizeA2Order atwww.thebrabanter.nlShare